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Feeding those in need with dignity, love, and kindness
Tammy & Paul
Donate to Fund Our 2024 Winter Meal Giveaway
On December 21, 2024, we will team with Harlandale Sunshine Pantry and Elves of San Antonio to to feed those who are experiencing challenges and provide gifts for children this Yule Season. We are gratefully accepting monetary donations and volunteers to assist with this event, the 4th Annual Winter Meal Giveaway.
To donate money...
We accept monetary donations with PayPal, where you can donate with or without a PayPal account. Garden of Eatin is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your monetary donations are tax-deductible. Please note when donating at PayPal that this is for the "winter meal giveaway".
You may also make a monetary contribution for this event to the Harlandale Sunshine Pantry by sending money to @TheHSPANTRY1020 via Venmo.
To donate in-kind items...
Please contact Lotus Rios at 210-668-3739, Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 9:00pm, to schedule a drop off of any of the following items at the Harlandale Sunshine Pantry.
We need the following for this event:
1,000x TAMALES
4x 25-pound bags of RICE
12x #10 (106-ounce) cans of PINTO BEANS
Plenty of SALSA
Shelf-stable DESSERTS
400x 3-compartment TO-GO CONTAINERS
2x cases of PICNIC PACKS (silverware, napkin, salt & pepper)
2x cases of STERNO
Your monetary and food contributions will create a Holiday Meal for those experiencing hardships this Winter season.
To donate time...
For more information or to volunteer please contact the Harlandale Sunshine Pantry at

We need grant-writing assistance
If you are concerned that 30% of the food in the U.S. ends up in land fills; if you are concerend that the rotting food in those land fills causes green house gas emissions equivalent to 50 million gas-powered passenger vehicles; if you are concerned that the unused food could better be collected, prepared, and used to provide food security for people in need; and if you have grant-writing skills, please contact us.
Garden of Eatin’ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We believe everyone deserves access to healthy, nutritious food, so we strive to eliminate hunger in our community while also reducing excess from the hospitality industry.
There’s no truck schedule yet, but keep an eye on this space so you’ll know when our truck is able to serve the community. Sign up below for our newsletter to stay informed.
(2098 through December 2024)
GOAL = 3,000
Garden of Eatin is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your monetary donations are tax-deductible. We greatly appreciate any help we can get, so please give from your heart.
Volunteering with Garden of Eatin’ is similar to volunteering in a soup kitchen, or working in a small commercial kitchen. Serving the public in need.